P-10 Reporting
Schools provide reports to parents/guardians/carers on the achievements of Pre-primary to Year 10 students in terms of the Western Australian achievement standards. They must provide formal reports at the end of each semester, informal reports throughout the year and reports where requested from the student’s parents/guardians/carers. In addition to this, students should receive regular feedback throughout the year.
If there is a legitimate reason for a student to be following a modified curriculum, in consultation with parents/guardians/carers, schools report on a student’s progress/achievement in terms of the modified curriculum.
For students with a disability or for whom English is an additional language/dialect, additional reporting on their progress/achievement in terms of year-level achievement standards is not required.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority requires all schools to implement the mandated Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline to meet the learning needs of all students. The Authority’s Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting Policy sets out the mandatory requirements for teachers to implement the Outline.
Schools are expected to provide their school community with an Assessment and Reporting Policy that is based on the Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
Schools are also expected to share reports from national and statewide assessments with parents and carers. Where appropriate, schools should provide opportunities for discussion between teachers and parents or carers about reports.
The Authority requires schools to use plain language to report to parents/guardians/carers. Reports must:
- give an accurate and objective assessment of the student’s progress and achievement
- include information about the student’s attitude, behaviour and effort
- any additional information the school considers relevant, including an overall teacher comment.
In addition, for Pre-primary to Year 2, school reports are to include a description of the student’s progress in personal and social learning.
Reports on the achievements of Pre-primary to Year 10 students must adhere to the mandated requirements of the Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting Policy. Schools may also choose to report at a more detailed level than the minimum requirement identified.
In mid-year or Semester 1 reports, teachers make a professional judgement regarding the level of achievement that the student is demonstrating relative to the achievement standard, taking into account the curriculum that has been taught and assessed to that point in time.